How to make a small space look bigger

Small spaces can be a challenge to decorate, but with a few smart tricks, you can make them look and feel bigger. The question ‘How can I make my small space look bigger?’ is a question we get asked more frequently then you can imagine. We’re seasoned enough to have a few tricks up our sleeve, here are 10 tips to help you get started:

1. Use light colours

Light colours reflect light, making a space feel more open and airy. Avoid using dark colors, which can absorb light and make a space feel smaller.

2. Choose furniture that is scaled to size

Oversized furniture can make a small space feel cramped. Choose furniture that is scaled to the size of your space, and avoid cluttering the room with too many pieces.

3. Use mirrors

Mirrors reflect light and create the illusion of more space. Hang mirrors on opposite walls to create a mirrored hallway effect, or place a mirror in a strategic location to reflect a beautiful view. We love the mirrors form Elysium Home, they are unique and timeless and serve as artwork as well as mirrors. Buy them here :

4. Use transparent furniture

Transparent furniture, such as glass coffee tables and acrylic chairs, can help to open up a space and make it feel less cluttered. Here is a good example of how we used glass coffee tables in a living room with a small footprint

5. Maximise vertical space

Use hanging shelves and cabinets to store your belongings and maximise vertical space. This will free up floor space and make your room feel bigger.

6. Keep your floors clear

Cluttered floors can make a small space feel even smaller. Keep your floors clear by using baskets and bins to store your belongings.

7. Use sheer curtains

Sheer curtains allow light to flow into a room, making it feel more open and airy. Avoid using heavy draperies, which can block light and make a space feel smaller. Read our blog on the secret of how to hang curtains:

8. Get creative with your storage

Think outside the box when it comes to storage. For example, you can use under-bed storage containers to store clothes and other belongings.

9. Use minimalist décor

Avoid cluttering your space with too many decorative items. Instead, focus on a few key pieces that you love.

10. Create focal points

By creating focal points in your room, you can draw the eye away from the smaller size of the space. For example, you can create a focal point with a fireplace, a large piece of art, or a statement mirror.

Following these tips can help you make your small space look and feel bigger. With a little creativity, you can create a space that is both stylish and functional.